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Spring Machinery Consignment Auction

In partnership with


Auction Date & Location

Saturday, March 11, 2022 - Begins at 9 am

PLHM Grounds
1003 W. Michigan Ave.
Jacksonville, IL

Please bring your quality consignments by Thursday, March 9. Hard cutoff Friday at 12 pm.

Load Out

Sunday: 11 am - 5 pm
Mon-Wed: 9 am - 5 pm
Thur/Fri: By appointment.

With questions or consignments, please call:
Auctioneer, Brian Curless: 217-242-1665
PLHM, Norm Wertz: 217-248-1038

Early Consignment List

JM 250 bu Grain cart

2003 Nissan Sentra, 4 door sedan, 100k miles+

Schien 24’ Aluminum dump trailer, roll tarp; hedge posts

1998 Mercury Mountaineer, 4x4, V8 5.0L, 121k miles, new rear brakes and fuel lines, fresh tune-up, new tires

9N Ford tractor

Landpride 7’ blade, nice

Dearborne 2 bottom plow

Bush Hog 6’ finish mower

5’ 3 pt Shredder

Bush Hog 2615 15’ Batwing cutter, 1000 pto, new center gear box

1978 AC 7000 tractor, newer tires

AC CA tractor, new motor

Woods belly mower off AC Ca

White 10 wheel disk

Commercial lathe, heavy duty

Killbros 300 bu gravity wagon

Shop equipment and Tools: Lincoln welder, Acetylene torch, 220 stationary air compressor

1980 Donahue gooseneck grain trailer, hoist, 2 axle, single wheel, hydraulic jack

IH 950 Cyclo planter 6-30”, no-till, trash wheels, rebuilt units 600 acres ago

Case A6 pull type combine, 6’ cut, original, needs canvases

IH 1300 7' sickle bar mower, 3 pt 

AC 4 row planter and extra parts

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