Farm Machinery Auction
Carroll Baughman Estate & Mary Jo Baughman
Live Onsite Bidding
Auction Date & Time
Friday, August 25, 2023
9 AM
Auction Location
35476 253rd Ave
Pittsfield, IL
From US Highway 54 / IL Highway 106 at the west edge of Pittsfield, take 365th St. north 1 mile, then west on 250th Ave 1 mile, then north on 355th St .25 mile to auction location.
Don't miss this outstanding farm machinery auction!
Brian Curless: 217-242-1665
Pictures Added 8.21.23

2017 Ram 1500 5.7L Hemi, 4x4, 4 door, 21,850 mi, black
18x24' metal portable carport w/ door
Small grain bin - to be removed by buyer
2013 Dodge Journey AWD, 4 Door, 218,000 miles
2001 GMC 1500 x4, single cab, 158,500 mi, white
1973 IH 1600 Loadstar single axle 2 ton truck, 57260 mi.
Kubota L3301D HST, FWD, LA525 loader, ROPS open station, 3 pt, 540 PTO, 11.2x24 rear, 100 hrs, sn-74400
CIH 2394 tractor CAH, 3409 hrs, duals, 3 pt, pto, 12 front weights
IH 1086 tractor CAH, 4187 hrs, 3 pt, 1000 pto, rear wheel weights, 6 front weights
Zetor 741 tractor MFWD, CAH, Zetor 102 loader, 7402 hrs
JD 1530 Utility tractor, diesel, 3 pt, 540 pto, 16.9x28 rear, hrs?, sn-122587
Ford 335 industrial utility tractor, P-302 loader, rear wheel weights
2010 Cat 247B track skid steer, 4277 hrs, 61 hp, open ROPS, aux. hydraulics
2- IH 1460 combines
JD 7000 6-row planter
IH 475 wing fold disk
Kory Farm gravity flow wagon
New Holland BR780 round baler
New Holland 664 round baler
New Holland Hayliner 488 mower conditioner
JD 702 8-wheel v-rake on cart
Stackliner square bale accumulator
Bush Hog 15’ batwing rotary cutter
16’ bumper hitch car trailer
1987 Kiefer Built 16’ bumper hitch trailer
IH 550 manure spreader
Tarter cattle chute with headgate head-gate, never used.
Hay bale feeders
Pipe gates, cattle and hog wire panels, T-posts
Portable generator
Acetylene torch set
Lincoln welder
Shop air compressor
Few shop tools and supplies
Gas and diesel fuel tanks
2- 500 gal LP tanks
King Kutter 5’ finishing mower, 3 pt - Not Selling
Artsway FWR8 8-wheel v-rake on cart